Browse Tag "25 maggio"
Happy Birthday to me !

Today it’s my Birthday!!!! I wanted to have a mega party with you all here on my blog, let’s celebrate! Lots of baloons and smiles :D
Love you all !!!! <3

oggi è il mio compleanno!!!!! Volevo festeggiarlo insieme con tutti quanti voi, una specie di mega festa virtuale! E quale modo migliore se non con tanti palloncini colorati? :D
Vi adoro!!!!! <3


I was wearing:

AX PARIS dress | ZARA heels | H&M necklace

A special thanks goes to my beloved photographer for this crazy and amazing gift, this shooting ! He’s gonna leave on Monday for a long trip and I’ll miss him so much! Good Luck, Morales <3


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Grazie per il supporto!
Rossella <3