Browse Category "#TUTORIAL"
TUTORIAL #6 : envelope clutch
Hi guys,
how were your holidays?
As first post of the new year, I chose to share with you a new tutorial.
As seen of the requests, I want to show you how to make this “envelope” clutch.
But stop talking… let’s do it!
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TUTORIAL #3 : medium size clutch
Exactly, here we are to our 3rd tutorial!
As seen the success of THIS clutch, that is so comfy and beautiful, I wanted to do this tutorial ( the photos were taken when I was making my first clutch order ) because of explaining you some of the cons&pros of using some kinds of leather!

Ebbene sì, nuovo tutorial per voi!
Visto il successo di QUESTA clutch, e devo dire che è effettivamente bellissima e comodissima, ho voluto fare questo tutorial ( le cui foto appartengono a una delle prime due borse che ho venduto ) in cui voglio presentarvi i pro e i contro dell’utilizzo di alcuni tipi di pelle! Continue Reading

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Rossella <3